Medical instruments in practices, dental offices, and hospitals are becoming increasingly smaller and more complex. This makes their processing (cleaning, disinfection, sterilization) all the more challenging. To ensure your processes are as safe and reliable as possible, we offer control systems for devices from all manufacturers.
Indicator Systems for Testing Cleaning Effectiveness
With our wash sensors, you can ensure that the cleaning processes in your washing-disinfector or ultrasonic bath are functioning correctly.
Wash Sensor U
Wash Sensor Protein M-, E- & K-Plus
Wash Sensor H Dental
Wash Sensor WD
Wash Sensor Protein
Wash Sensor H+E
Wash Sensor Protein DV
Indicator Systems for Testing Sterilization Effectiveness
Our patented Helixtests and Steam Sensors in various designs provide you with the highest level of safety when verifying sterilizers from all manufacturers.