Stericop Wash-Sensor H Dental
In dentistry, transfer instruments (handpieces or contra-angles), but also suction devices or other instruments with lumens (hollow bodies), represent a particular challenge during the cleaning process. As it is not possible to visually inspect the inside of these instruments for cleanliness, special requirements are set during the reprocessing of these instruments.
With the Wash-Sensor H Dental, Stericop offers the personnel in charge of reprocessing a simple and routine way to check the cleaning process. Regardless of whether you use a washer-disinfector (WD) of the companies Miele, Melag, Scican or others, Stericop always offers you the possibility to access the rinsing strips of to connect the corresponding devices.
Melag and Miele:
The Wash-Sensor H Dental testbody with mounted adapter can be directly the Melatherm 10 or Miele sink unit is screwed in.
The Wash-Sensor H Dental testbody with mounted adapter can be inserted directly into the LCS interior cleaning system instead of a transfer instrument must be plugged in.
Silicone adapter:
The Wash-Sensor H Dental testbody with adapter can be inserted directly into the Silicone adapter for transmission instruments instead of a transmission instrument must be plugged in.
A dvantages: